Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Polaroid (1948-2009)

Shake it like a Polaroid picture, while you still can

It is with great regret that I announce the Polaroid Corporation's decision to discontinue Polaroid films. Starting this year, Polaroid will start to discontinue the first of its instant films and by September of 2009 the last batch will have been packed and shipped from the factory. There is no solid speculation if another manufacture will take its place, but it is said that Polaroid is seeking a partner to acquire licensing rights in hopes that a firm will produce the film and hardware long after the company is gone.

As a Polaroid fan myself, I have always enjoyed taking fun instant photos (I even gave in to the Joy Cam and i-Zone craze in grade school). I loved to apply the smudge/scrape effect on my pictures, remember that? Now I sit and stare at my old Polaroid Spirit 600 with great grief. Snap 'em up while you can, fellas.

I can't figure out why this song reminds me of Polaroid pics but it does, so here:

Jah Cure - Love Is (via zShare)

*Update 2/22/08: I came across this post about the post-Polaroid scare. Stock up on that film!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I need to stock up film for my JoyCam now...just in case I decide I want to dig it out and use it...