Friday, January 11, 2008

The 7-String Guitar Ruined Metal

I remember the first time I heard Korn and thought to myself, "why are there 3 bass players in this band?" To my unfortunate surprise, however, it was in fact the addition of two 7-string guitars added to the mix. The solid-body electric 7-string came onto the scene in the early 90’s and was first introduced and used by guitar virtuoso, Steve Vai. Though Mr. Vai is a competent player and theoretically knows how to incorporate the low B string added to the guitar, he unknowingly unleashed a hellish mass of “me too” spawn. Originally intended for retaining the original register of notes for soloing and incorporating an added string for low end riffage, the 7-string was, sorry to say, raped by hordes of Neanderthal “guitarists” who dropped the tuning of the already bass heavy instrument to create what they called “music.” In other words, the bar for musicianship was greatly lowered.

If you wear a mask, you’re 7-string approved.

Ok, seriously, just down-tune your 6-string, cause God knows you’re not gonna fucking use all 7 of those strings. Stop kidding yourself. That’s why they make baritone guitars. Actually, better yet, drop the bullshit and buy a BASS. If all you do is noodle around with your Line 6 amp and Boss Metal-Zone pedal and make “sick riffs” all day while never attempting to once use the clean channel than do this: Buy a fucking bass you half-witted clodpole dumbfuck.

Fuck, thanks, Steve Vai.
- Ogre

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