Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ishkur's Guide to the Galaxy... of Electronic Music

About a year and a half ago I came across this site that's apparently been around since late y2k. What looks like an e-tard's wank at a website is actually a handy reference guide to the world of electronic music. Ishkur, whether it's the name of the site or a moniker of the author's, has all the information you need to get you schooled on electronic tunes.

One of my favorite nugs is The Great Samples Database, which is a reader expanded list of songs and their respective source samples. Last I checked they were going three-thousand strong.

Another good one is Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music, which is a comprehensive flash-based tour through the origins of electronic music and its many genres and sub-genres. Each stop has a description of the genre and even an audio loop so you can get an idea of what the genre sounds like. Real good stuff, whether you're electronically challenged or not.

Guess looks can be deceiving.


Did I mention that he's taking donations?

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