Friday, January 18, 2008

Coachella 2008 Confirmed(?) Band of the Week: Deltron 3030


I woke up this morning and rushed to my computer, just to be disappointed that the Coachella lineup has not been posted yet. Thus, I bring you another installment of Confirmed(?) Band of the Week.

Here is the best news I have heard about the festival so far. Deltron 3030 is HIGHLY rumored to be playing this year. Deltron Event II is a follow up to their self-titled album which (hopefully) will be releasing soon. My optimistic conscious tells me the album may have been postponed around festival time, hyping up their fans to see them at Coachella and purchase the album. Although not much is posted about them on the internet world, I urge you to find their music, listen to them non-stop, and then stand in the front row during their set to show them your intergalactic love. Their conceptual style is influenced by the afrofuturist Sun Ra, and if you've seen Space is the Place, you'll know what I'm talking about.

If their normal pseudonyms aren't enough, Deltron 3030's members take on more futuristic ones as: Deltron Zero (Del the Funky Homosapien), The Cantankerous Captain Aptos (Dan the Automator), and Skiznod the Boy Wonder (Kid Koala).

Deltron 3030 Hieroglyphics site

"Virus" flash video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*crosses fingers* pleeeeaaaaaaseeee!!